
Two weeks.

Holy fuck. I just realized that I'm leaving for school in two weeks. How the fuck did this creep up on me? Six of my seven best friends and my two other closest friends, none of them will be with me. I will have Olivia. Period. I'm leaving Tyler, Hannah, Blythe, Casi, Cameron, Matthew, Jody, and Kaleb. Really? What is happening?

I started thinking about what I truly thought about my best friends tonight. It's not like I realized that I hate them or anything, but just how I feel about them right now. How much I miss them and how it reminds me how much I hate being busy since I never get to talk to them anymore. I just figure I will write little messages to each of them.

Tyler - Even though I see you every damn day, I miss you. I miss talking to you on the phone. I hate that the only time I get to talk to you is at rehearsal. Granted, it's every day, but it's not the way it used to be. I love you. So much. I just want to spend as much time with you as I can before I leave and I don't think you realize how soon I will be gone. I hope you do soon.

Hannah - I'm still surprised you kicked us out but I got over it real quick. I love you. I feel like things have been awkward since that night at your apartment with the diamond of BOGs. I think we're all getting back to being chill though. I don't want to leave you. We've had some fucking crazy nights. I don't want to leave those. No ma'am.

Blythe - Where the fuck have you been? I miss you soooo much. You probably won't even read this. I miss my Blythie McQuiznos. I love that we used to talk all the time. I never told you how much I enjoyed hanging out with you the other day when we went to Subway and Aida. I really miss talking to you all the time and I miss being Blythie and DanDan. I don't want to leave you at all.

Casi - Oh my God. I can't remember the last time I talked to you and I don't like that at all. I miss you sooo much. I want to talk to you every night again. I can't explain to you how much you mean to me, but you mean a lot. More than I could probably ever think of adequate words for. I need to see you soon. I have no idea how I will survive college without you. Damn.

Cameron - You have fallen off the face of the earth. I feel like I am almost mad at you. You're going to be the farthest away from me and you don't even try to talk to me anymore. I really miss what our friendship used to be but I feel like you've completely forgotten about me and about how much I care about you. I just wish you would take 5 minutes out of your week just to call and say hey or something. I really miss you and I don't know how to get back to where we were.

Matthew - Shit. We have been through so much this summer and I feel like I've never been closer to you than I am now. I love you so much. I think we needed to go through what we went through with each other in order to be where we are now. It only made us stronger and made us realize how important we are to each other. I almost feel like I'm closer to you than I realized until I started to write this paragraph. There's a lot that I've told you that I haven't told anyone else. I love you. I don't know what I'm going to do without you. I'm so afraid that I will be sobbing every night because you won't be there to cuddle with me. Ha.

Jody - I've gotten so much closer to you than I ever expected. I love it. I really trust you and I'm going to miss you a whole helluva lot. I have to come visit you (along with Casi and Blythe) at Loyola. I feel like my days are incomplete if I don't talk to you on AIM or ask you questions that no one would ever ask. I like that you have become a part of my daily routine, so to speak. I'm really glad that you've opened up to me. I will indeed miss your hair flips. Haha.

Kaleb - Oh my little Asian boy. I love you so much. We are a lot closer than either of us thought we would be. We talked about this in your car today. You never fail to make me laugh. I love spending time with you and hate it all at the same time. I love it because you're amazing and slowly but surely, you have become one of my closest friends. I hate it because I always think about how little time I have left with you. What will I do without your eatable cuteness? DIE. That's what I will do.

I'm so worried that I will not be able to stay as close to people. That's my big worry. I'm not worried about being homesick, or meeting new people, or living with someone I don't know, or classes, or homework, or learning the campus...I'm worried about losing the relationships I have with the people I leave. I'm not even worried about leaving everyone. I'm worried about maintaining the relationships I leave. I miss everyone already just sitting here typing this. If you ever start to think I'm forgetting about you, let me know. Call me. Text me. Facebook me. Do something. I don't want to leave. I've seen half of my closest friends for about every day of the past two months. I don't know what I will do when I barely see them at all. I'm scared as fuck. I just don't want to lose what I have with everyone. I don't want to lose the relationships with the loves of my life. I don't want to leave these people. Can we just pause time for a little please? I just want to be able to enjoy these last two weeks as much as possible. That's like no fucking time. TWO WEEKS.

So this is my two weeks notice, New Orleans. I peace the fuck out in two weeks. I leave in two weeks. I quit in two weeks. So can you let me go out with the fucking biggest bang you've ever seen? Well, either way, that's my plan.

xoxo DannDann