Hahaha. That picture is soooo us in a nutshell. I love that we had that conversation in your car for like two hours outside of my grandparents house. I love that I can talk to you an hour about sex and laugh more than I breathe while talking about it. I love how much you make me laugh. I'm so glad we got closer this summer. You are a very important person to me. Know that I am here and that you CAN BE HAPPY around me. I want you to be happy. I'm not unhappy. You're not making me unhappy. If anything you make me one of the happiest people alive. I love taking a shitload of pictures in the Cragin's bathroom and I love being able to talk to you for hours about nothing and everything all at the same time. I don't know what I would do without your laugh.
Words could not even begin to describe how glad I am that you have been my best friend for the past four years. I love you soooo much. You have always been there for me and you have listened to me bitch about my life and I'm glad you finally told me what you told me in Destin. I know you don't open up to people easily and I'm really happy that you know you can tell me anything. I trust you probably the most out of anyone I know. I don't know what I would do if you weren't going to school with me. I would probably die. No, I would definitely die. I wouldn't have rather protected anyone but you and Erin for stealing that exam. I love that we got away with it. I love that we are us. I love that we are killer/witness. I love that you've been right there with me through everything I've gone through and I love that you know I will always be here for you.
This picture is soooo us. I love your blinking. Period. I love that you are one of the biggest dorks and sketchballs I have ever met. Your sketchiness makes me so happy. I love that we went to about 87328 different places to get food at 3:45 in the morning, none of which were open, and that going to Burger King gave us the best Casi-Dani story ever. "This is very Lucy and Ethel of us." I couldn't think of anything that would be more accurate to say about us. You are my partner in crime. You are my sister, not just because you're black. I love that we have talked pretty much every night in the past 8 months (with the exception of the summer shows) and that we never run out of something to talk about. I love that you stutter probably more than anyone I know.

I have trouble saying your first name without saying your last name. Your hair flips complete my day. I didn't expect you to become part of my daily routine. I feel like every one of my days must include us asking each other about the drama with the gays or just asking questions in general or reminding each other of how lame we are, but in that amazing way, you know? You are a warrior. "You're friends with a few girls, a warrior, and a lot of gays." I will never forget that. That was so fucking funny. I feel like I learn something valuable from every conversation we have and I love that I can trust you even though we never really had a conversation until Cinderella. This summer has definitely done wonders for our friendship and for this, I am eternally grateful. You don't even know. Ha!
I just felt the need to say something to my nine favorite people in the entire world. I love you all so much. You have made this summer the best one yet. I don't know what I would have done with myself if one of you were not in my life. You all have made such an impact on my life and have influenced me in the majority of my decisions. You mean the world to me. I will visit you all as much as possible throughout college. I don't see how I can go more than a couple of days without talking to ALL of you. You have undoubtedly changed my life and I think you should know how amazing every single of you is. I love it. I love you. Thank you for giving me billions of experiences (and pictures, of course) that I will never forget.
xoxo DannDann
ps- the pictures of you all, soooooo good.