
Short and sweet

So I still intend on wiritng a really good legit blog soon. However, that is not this post. I haven't forgotten about wanting to write more. This post counts as writing. I have about two minutes before I do my English homework (last minute of course) and I thought I would write since I keep putting it off. This won't be much of substance or anything else but silliness really, but it's something.

I had a really fantastic weekend. I spent a total of about 16 hours at Loyola this weekend. I was kissed in the rain. I got bitten by bugs at KBL at 3:30 in the morning. I went swimming. I insulted a dinosaur. I let it snow. I went to a seminar. I had a very special sleepover. I laughed. I cried. It was awesome. I hope yours was good too.

But mine was better =]

xoxo DannDann


The goal has been set.

So sometime within the next week I am going to have a real blog. One of my many personal goals for this semester is to start blogging again frequently. Maybe it will be every other day during my break between classes. Maybe more. Maybe less. Maybe all the time. Maybe never. But I want to try. The goal has been set.

Update on the beginning of my sophomore year. I missed school a lot. I'm sitting here and the only reason I'm blogging is because I have ten minutes to kill before my next class and I'm waiting for everyone else to finish printing their shit so I can print my Biology syllabus. I just looked and the line is gone. I'm going to the printer now. Hold on.

I'm back. My syllabus is now stapled and hole punched. Nice and neat like it should be =] Anyway... so I've been to 4 of my 5 classes. I realized that I like to spell out numbers instead of using the number... so I've been to four of my five classes. They're all pretty good so far. English - my teacher is quirky. His daughter was a purple butterfly. Shoutout to class of 2008! I like him. Poli Sci - my teacher is kind of an asshole, but he is extremely opinionated. He is a lawyer. I am going to LOVE this class. Theatre - I love. Period. Math - I like math, but I think I am going to hate this course. I don't really like my teacher. He is very by the book. He's kind of boring. I will get over it. I haven't had Biology yet, so I can't really tell you how I feel about it yet. I'm sure I will be fine.

I think I'm going to audition for the play. Midsummer Night's Dream. Auditions tonight at 5. I think I will go. I get extra credit for auditioning. So I feel like it's a win-win, even if I don't get in the show. I'm really tired. I wish I would've had time to nap before class. I guess I will just nap after. It depends on the timing of the rest of the night as to whether or not I get my desired nap. Well, I guess I should head to class. It starts in ten minutes. I miss blogging like this. Definitely going to do more of it now.

xoxo DannDann