
Does that look like a suitable sleeping space for a HUMAN?!?!?

This weekend has been one of the most interesting weekends I have had. I was so excited all week that I was coming in and that some people were actually finally excited to see me. I miss that. Some people's reactions when they saw me surprised me more than others. Matthew's. Haha. Me - "Matthew, why do you keep touching my arms?" Matthew - "I just wanna touch ya! I haven't touched ya in forever!" I loved it. It made me really really happy. :]]

Anyway...so Friday we went to Jody's. We got really drunk and I ended up talking to Casi the entire night. We cried at some point but it worked out. That hug is probably the best thing that has happened to me in the past three weeks. Well, the conversation that took place during that hug. I needed that. So much. I'm worried that it's going to change based on the company that we are in, but I'm so glad it happened. A few people who were there got high. I think it's interesting how...ah. Fuck you, Dani. Nevermind. Ha! That was stupid. Continuing, so it was fun. A lot of people puked, but not me. A lot of people have bronchitis. I don't know if I do. I didn't hook up with anyone but I drank after someone who hooked up with someone who has bronchitis. No names. Ha! Don't you FUCKING love it? I hope you screamed that.

So then me, Casi, Blythe, Rachel, Monique, and Jody went to Parrot Pete's (oh my God, deliciousssss *sung*) and had a nice little lunch. Then after that we bought oranges and went to Casi's. Oh my God, I kept leaving my shit in everyone's cars. I left my bag in Mo's car, the oranges in Jody's car, and later I left my bag in Mimi's car. How silly. So anyway, we got to Casi's and chilled. Then we went to Mo's for like 2.712 seconds and I changed, then we left for Rivertown. We got there pretty much the same time as JoJo. Our tickets were supposed to work out, but they didn't, but then we made them work out. Haha. Beautiful.

Oh fuck. Miss Saigon was soooo good. I cried for pretty much ALL of the second half of Act 2. I was so proud of my boys (Aladdin anyone?) for their work. I miss them sooo much. But, oh my God, it was so fucking good. Everyone should go see it if they can. Aaaaah. It was just sooo good. Then we went to Tebbe's and Sarah Jackson's party. That was cute. I got to see a bunch of people I didn't think I would see and it was so good to see them. I was glad we went. Then after that, me, Casi, Jody, Blythe, Matt, Kaleb, and Tyler came to my house and we watched Disney movies. Holy fuck. Little Mermaid = best. casting. ever. HAAAAAAAAAAAA! You don't even know! It was so funny. That was a really, really good group of people. And we are all going to Disney World next summer. Hahaha. Oh how I wish. But it was definitely a lot of fun. So Matt, Kaleb, and Tyler left around 3 or something and then it was just the four of us.

I started thinking (and we all know how helpful THAT can be) and got a bit upset about a couple of things. Whatever. I don't want to write about it really. Sorry if you were interested. Ha? Anyway, so I went upstairs at like 4 and then Casi came up to my room at like 4:30 and we talked for a bit. Then she went back downstairs so they could watch Hercules or something, I think. I don't know when they went to bed though. All I know is that they are upstairs all passed the fuck out in the extra bedroom. Haha. It's funny. I think I might take a picture. Loveit.

I'm really glad Casi convinced me to come in this weekend. Despite being a bit upset last night after all was done, I had a really fucking good time this weekend and I'm so glad I came here. I like where things are and I like where things are going. I like that I saw Adam Segrave and almost fucking died. I love that boy sooo much. But yes, anyway, well now I'm going back upstairs. I hope you all enjoyed my lovely writing. Haha. Stay classy.

xoxo DannDann

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