
Lights, Camera, Action

I'm pretty sure my life is a movie and no one ever told me when they started filming. The past 48 hours of my life have been completely ridiculous. COMPLETELY. Saturday was Saturday, for anyone who knows what that means. Too many tears were involved. What the fuck ever. Shit happens. No one has any right to ever say that I don't put up with everyone's bullshit. I know for fucking sure that I put up with waaaaay more shit that I should, this weekend included. Moving on...

Sunday. Sunday I had to wait two hours for my dad to finally let me use the fucking car. The Batmobile. His toy. It's a fucking car. Whatever. So I go to Tyler's house to talk about the day before and yell at him for not answering his phone. Check that off the list. I was there for about an hour. So at the end of Tyler's driveway there is this stupid fucking pole. A pole that I never hit, a pole that I'm always nervous about hitting, but never actually have. So I'm backing out onto West Metairie and I was being careful like I always do...I thought I had it. But no. I fucking hit the left front of the car on the FUCKING pole. Goddammit. So then I'm like OH SHIT. So I pull over about one street later, thinking it won't be bad. So I get out of the car and it's worse that I thought. REALLY? Half the fucking bumper was like hanging down. I proceeded to flip my shit. I pushed the bumper back up as much as I could, then I notice that the glass over the headlight is broken. Oh and the body of the car right above that...kind of caved in a bit. Fan-fucking-tastic.

I'm on my way to Matthew's house and I'm trying to come up with a story about what to tell my mother. So I come up with the story that I went to Matthew's and the car was fine and when I went outside to leave, that's what I saw. I told him what I was going to tell my mom and it was cool. So then I called my mom when I was leaving and told her the story I made up and my mom was kind of mad and my dad was fucking pissed. So I get home or whatever and Matt and his mom were like, "We don't want to have to lie to your mother about this. We don't want to be involved." I felt bad. Basically, BAM, I have to do the right thing and tell my mother what REALLY happened. I know I'm going to. Sometime today I think. I wanted to wait till I was in Hammond to tell her. I hope we don't have to evacuate again so I can just not go home for like two weeks. I don't want to have to see them right after I tell them.

Then to top that grand event, I get back to Hammond and I'm all worried as fuck about the car thing and still thinking CONSTANTLY about what I found out on Saturday and all I want to do is get settled back in my dorm. So we're there for about thirty minutes. I see Kaylen (I missed her sooooo much!). And then fucking power goes out. THE. POWER. GOES. OUT. Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME? So I'm sitting in the dark and I just start screaming. My head was about to explode, I was worried about being murdered by my parents, I was thinking about how much I hate being fucked over by my best friends, I was nervous that we were going to evacuate again, and the POWER GOES OUT. I stormed out of the dorm and walked downstairs and met up with my friends. So we all sat outside and they smoked...I almost did too, but I ended up not doing it. This weekend almost made me a smoker. I wish I were kidding. Then the power comes back on like thirty minutes later. I go back in the dorm. And about an hour later, the power goes out...again.

I decide to go to BR with my friends (who I sat with outside) for the night. PS - the plan for that evening at school was to get wasted, which I wanted very badly...which I deserved very badly. That plan was CANCELLED. So I went to BR and slept in Chloe's dorm with her and Tim and Sarah. Then I had to wake up at fucking 6 in the morning to come BACK to Hammond because Tim had class at 8. So I only slept three hours last night and it wasn't that great and I have all this shit on my mind. My life is a fucking movie. Now I just need to figure out how to fix the things I can before the credits roll. I have a feeling this will be a very very very long closing scene and I don't like it. At. All.

xoxo DannDann

1 comment:

Matt Armato said...

Omigurd, that last paragraph sounds like a suicide threat. After thinking about it, I know that's not what you meant it to be. PHRASING, DANDAN. PHRASING.