
Pool of Wine

Things aren't as bad as my last post makes them out to be. After I got off the phone with Cameron, I just started crying. Shocker, I know. He told me things I didn't want to hear, but things I needed to hear. He knows how to word things perfectly when he talks to me. He gets me. Three days till he comes home. Three days.

I took my History final this morning at 8. I went to sleep at 2 and woke up at 5 to study. I think I did fairly alright actually. All I have left to do is the book reviews. I need to do those. At least the second one. My grade sucks in that class. The three grades I have are 80, 70, and 56. I hope my final brings it up a little. Fuck. I have a D in that class. I really hope the final helps.

I only have two more exams left, which I'm glad about. Goddamn, last night was bad. I talked to Alex on the phone for like an hour and just vented to him. He owes me a massage. He owes me several. I can't wait. This girl sitting next to me is having major troubles printing all her five thousand documents she needs to print in the library and this lady is helping her and the lady's voice is very annoying. Ever hear someone talking right next to you and their voice just makes you want to punch them in the face? That's happening...RIGHT NOW.

Anyway...I feel better now that I've taken the exam. I'm very dramatic. Laugh. Go ahead. I'll join you, I assume. I read a comment on a picture this morning that made me smile for the first time in hours. Fuck, it made me laugh. Really loudly. In the library. Good job, Dani. I know. I'm trying to kill half an hour before I go to the cafeteria really fucking early for lunch. I didn't feel like going back to my dorm. So I will go eat and then go to my room and pass the fuck out. I know my posts lately have either been really boring or really depressing. They will be happier after exams are over, I assure you. Oh my. Trials and tribulations, Dani, trials and tribulations.

xoxo DannDann