
You cannot melt the moon! You are not Jesus!

Hello lovers. It's been quite a while. Sitting here at Hannah's work, yet again, and enjoying myself completely. So...my life is all over the place. It's not like it's uncontrollable, I'm just dipping my feet in every pool pretty much. Make sense? Kcool.

I'm dropping my History class soon. Other than that, school is going pretty well. It has to be since I need a 3.7 this semester. I'm a bit worried about that, but other than that, school is going well. I haven't been going out nearly as much as I did last semester, but I think that's good. When I do go out, it makes it so much more worth it. This Thursday for example. I went out with "the hippies." Oh my fucking hell, I love them. I was surprised that Zach was there. It was me, Nicco, Zach, Lindsey, and Paul. And this girl Erica who I thought was mute because she would like never talk. Turns out I was wrong, she's just quiet. I don't know why she hangs out with people like us then. It's rather silly. So, yes, school...going well.

My hair looks phenomenal. I'm not putting up any pictures of it until the majority of you see it. It looks soooooo fucking good. Today is going to be my first parade this year and my first Mardi Gras related experience period for the year. I'm super super excited. Endymion with The Star? Could it get any better? NO.

Hannah - "Do I judge you?"
Me - "Do I............NO!"

Hahaha. Last night was so much fun. Me and Hannah are festive to say the least. We had an amazing night. We bought Enchanted. And we went to Walmart where the line was like seventeen miles long. No exaggeration. Okay, maybe a baby tiny exaggeration. Oh well. I'm kind of broke and by kind of, I mean really. But as long as I can scrounge up money for alcohol and food this weekend, I will be set. OH MY FUCK! About how Bryce has become one of my best friends and I honestly could not be happier about that. He is too much. Like the Heat Miser, not to be confused with Jesus Christ, that's Schym. Whoa. I just referenced twelve different inside jokes. That was silly. I liked it. *Cookie voice* I like that. Hahahahaha. Oh, Cookie. She will be making a few appearances this weekend. Loveit. But yeah, Bryce comes home a week from today. We will be inseperable. If you have Twitter, you have probably stopped following us to your phone, or at all, period. We tweet a lot. On the verge of too much (see inside joke chain that follows, as shown above) (<---gay) I would even say, but it is not too much. It is perfect.

Well Hannah and I must leave soon and go get ready for Endymion. I am sooooo excited! I love Mardi Gras. See you fuckers out there!

xoxo DannDann