

Hello, blogging world. It's been a while... but isn't it always? I have about ten minutes before I have to run to class, so I figured I would write a little bit.

Speaking of class, I'm kind of failing in school. I dropped one of my Ed classes about a month ago. I'm struggling to get my Sped hours or actually, I'm struggling to get a C in that class. I'm doing well in Acting and Ed Psych. Really well, actually. I'm kind of getting my shit together in English (- this coming from the girl who hasn't started the research paper that was due on Thursday). But mainly Sped is my hard class right now. A whole bunch of bullshit.

But the biggest edition to my life this semester is... being happy. I am really and truly satisfied with where I am right now. With the exception of school, I've never felt this good for this long. I have the most amazing friends, at home AND at school. They all like each other (for the most part) and I'm in a show. And I'm the lead. We open tonight. I can't wait. Everyone from home is coming to see it on Friday. I will hopefully blow everyone away. (Fingers crossed) That is the thirs time I've used parentheses in this blog. I'm over it. You're over it. We all scream for ice cream.

But for reals, I need to get my shit together with school. I get really jealous of people who type with the correct typing fingers. I only type with my two index fingers and two middle fingers. I don't even use my left middle that much. It's something that's always bothered me - not typing with the correct fingers. But I can still type very quickly and efficiently. You learn something new every day, right? Well, I'm off to class.

Twas nice writing again... hope to catch you soon. Thanks for listening.

xoxo DannDann