
Michael...Jackson...stealing my microwave...

I never realized how much I love typing on keyboards that click very loudly. I really love it though. That's probably the main reason I'm blogging right now - because I love how it sounds. I'm at work with Olivia right now. It's pretty chill; I'm in here all the time. At least once a day. I love how one of Olivia's bosses, Robin, told me that she has her nipples pierced. I love her. I could hang out with her, I really could. She should come to Cate Street one week with us. This is very unlikely, but I really wish she would one time. She's cool. I really could be friends with her. I almost just sang her name across the universe office, but she's on the phone. Sadness all across the land.

Onto a more serious issue...I'm not as happy as I thought I was. Well, I am, but not without the people that make me happy. Yeah, there are sperts of things that make me happy here (such as unexpected cigarettes or hourlong conversations with Robin about her psycho ex-husband or Olivia's cousin's new kitten [sooo cute!]) but it's not the same as it is at home. Over Spring Break, I was legitimately happy, for the first time in a really long time. It was just chill and fun and whatever, but when I come back to Hammond I realize how much shit I have to do and that I only have three weeks to do it. Which brings me to school...I think I'm dropping my library science class. I still can (surprisingly) and my teacher even suggested it since I missed so much class. I think I'm going to do that. I'm glad that my major is Education now but it makes me nervous that I won't have any education classes until next Spring. I want to see if I like them more than I liked the Communication classes. I think I am going to get either a 2.7 or a 2.8 this semester, which isn't the 3.0 that I wanted, but it's better than the 2.3 that I got last semester. So if I get a 2.7, then my average is a 2.5 and then I only have to get a 3.5 next semester, which will be difficult but not as difficult as a 3.7. I'm sorry if any of you felt like you HAD to read this paragraph, but I hope you read it. I hope you listened... listened?... listened... with your... eyes. Yeah. Wow.

ANYWAY, MOVING ON...I am definitely ready for summer, especially the wedding. I need another job, too. PS - I started working at Zephyrs again (I started there last summer). I'm working Saturday night and then everyone should come to my house and party because I have the house to myself that night. I wanna say people can come about ten-ish. Everyone should bring money for alcohol though. I might make it a facebook event. LAME. Yeah, but I'm just ready to be home. I'm started to un-decorate (wording?) my dorm. I only have 28 pictures left on my wall that I have to take down and then I have to take down the sticky-tack. That's gonna be a bitch. I'm starting to move some of my stuff back this weekend. Also, I have to make a list of things that make me feel awkward. That's my assignment for therapy. I have to have it for Friday. I don't know if I am going to make it just a list of the major things or a list of a lot of things (major and minor). I think making that list will make me feel awkward. Well, all for now. Maybe some more tomorrow.

xoxo DannDann

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