
Hell week

So this is just a baby tiny blog that I'm writing because I'm waiting for Hallie to finish her math homework online. For further reference of Hallie, check one of my recent Dailybooth pictures. She's coming home with me for Halloween weekened, so you will all get to meet her. That reminds me that I have to start making my Halloween costume. It's gonna be fiyaaaa.

So I thought this weekend was gonna blow but I've had so much fun (minus being sick and getting in really loud, really intense drunken screaming fights over the phone at 3 in the morning...) and I liked it. I can't wait to see Monique next weekend. I miss her a lot. My head hurts. I didn't do any school work and I'm kind of glad I kept this weekend so chill. I might start making flashcards for theatre tonight or I might just do it tomorrow. I needed this weekend for sure.

Plan for school for the week. Ima be one busy motherfucker. Monday - wake up at ten. Edit/finish paper. Lunch. Paper. English class. Poli sci class. Dinner. Make theatre flashcards. Sleep. Tuesday - wake up at seven. Study theatre flashcards. Theatre class. Take midterm. Lunch. Nap. Biology class. (hopefully blog). Dinner. Make poli sci flashcards. Sleep. Wednesday - wake up at ten. Study poli sci flashcards. Lunch. Study more. English class. Poli sci class. Take exam. Dinner. Make Biology flashcards. Sleep. Thursday - Wake up at nine. Theatre class. Lumch. Study Biology flashcards. Biology class. Take midterm. Dinner. Return to dorm. Cate Street. Friday - wake up at ten. Pack for the weekend. Leave for at eleven fifteen. Get home for twelve. Go to deposition hearing at attorney's office (don't ask.) See people. DIE OF EXHAUSTION.

I just realized how rough this week is going to be. I'm definitely enjoying the end of my Sunday and not doing ANYTHING school related. Don't forget to keep in touch. Call me every now and then. I like it when I'm surprised by communication. Just saying.

xoxo DannDann

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