
"If you were not alive, I would eat you!"

Hello my beautiful friends. These past 48 hours have been blog-worthy. It all started with lots and lots of tears. So I was talking to Matt about the blog I had posted that night and about the part that was about him. And I was sobbing the entire time we were talking but so was he. I came to the realization that the good in Matthew is more good than the bad in the bad of Matthew...I hope that made sense because that's the only way I can really explain it. The whole stand your ground thing still applies. I needed to stay mad long enough to prove my point and I needed to show that I was serious, which I was and still am, and I needed to let him know that I should be important to him because I was before. This sounds conceited; however, if you know our friendship this would make a lot more sense I guess. I don't know. I'm just writing to write, not to ask if you understand me and Matt's complicated web of a friendship. Whatever. I need to stop getting off topic. Anyway, so I came to the conclusion that I should love the Matthew that I became friends with and not the asshole Matthew that was there for some time. So things with me and Matthew are much better.

Then I saw Aida again yesterday with Janie, Mo, and Jody. It was good. Then afterwards Janie, Mo, Jody, Ethan, and I went to Krispy Kreme. Now I will take time to express how jealous you should be if you were not there. Oh my God. Firstly, I'm really glad I got to hang out with Ethan seeing as how the last time we hung out was with Uncle Wayne while working PUPPETS. Secondly, I never knew how funny these kids were. And I know I find nearly EVERYTHING amusing, but everything they said was just hilarious and it was normal day-to-day humor for them. Shit, I wish I could be as funny as them. They are cool kids. I love it. I want to hang out with them more. I really enjoyed myself yesterday. If any of the four of you read this, well I know Jody will, so if any of the other three of you read this, then thank you for letting me hang out with you guys yesterday. I had a ridiculous amount of fun. "No, I will not take off my sweater so you can show me where my wagina is." How silly. Love it.

Then I had rehearsal which was pretty chill. I gave Matthew a hug for the first time in about two weeks. It sounds stupid, but it had been a fucking long time. Then after rehearsal Hannah, Matt, Kaleb, and I went to Taco Bell. We were leaving after we ate and we found a kitty! A KITTY! First we named her Trouser, then Twitter, then we ended up naming her Marty. I will explain. So we put her in my car after realizing that we had to save her from the streets. We went to Wal-Mart to get stuff that cats need to SURVIVE and I sat in my car with the cat. I found a Wal-Mart hand basket (the one you put vegetables in, not the metal ones with wheels) and put a towel from my trunk into the basket and put Marty (her new name since we got her temporary bed from a Wal-Mart basket) in the basket in my backseat. Then we went to Matt's house and surprised his mom with the cat asking if we could let it sleep there for the night until we had a plan the next morning. We said it was covered in lettuce and dirt and it was in a puddle and was licking hot sauce packets since it had no food....all of which were..... LIES!!! PS - In case you're a fucking IDIOT, Marty is the cat in the picture.

So Marty stayed there with me and Matt after Kaleb and Hannah left. I stayed there for a good two hours after they left. Haha. Then I went home and today Matthew texted me and said that they were giving Marty to his brother's friend. I left what I was doing and drove to his house so I could be with the fucking cat. How ridiculous. Haha. We brought her to meet Tyler since Tyler is her Fairy Godmother after all. And she had to meet Pugmuff, her husband, as well. Anyway, so then we kidnapped Tyler and he came with me, Hannah, Matt, and Marty to go to the house of the soon to be owner of Marty. And we got there and the stupid ho was like shooing us away discreetly, very nicely as well, but you could totally tell she was like, "Fuck you! It's my cat now!" and I just wanted to be like, "She will never be yours! She is OURS!" Too bad this conversation didn't happen. I would've loved it. Looooooved it. Then we went back to Matt's and hung out for a few hours and ate breakfast for dinner and then we brought Tyler home and then I picked up my sister (who was on the phone the ENTIRE way home, how annoying!) from work. Then went home.

Talked to Tyler a bit when I got home. He's really sad his show is over. Him being sad makes me sad. I wish there were something I could do to make him feel better. I think he feels relatively close to how I felt after Godspell, but I think I was much worse. Much, much, much worse. Are commas appropriate after saying much? I don't know. I don't really care that much actually. HA! Surprise. Anyway, I just want him to be happy and not so down about the show being over. It's one of those, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." And I know it JUST ended, like YESTERDAY, but I still don't like to see him sad. I just have to be there for him, you know? Why am I asking you? I'm not. I'm silly. I'm tired too.

This is what happens when you can't sleep at 4:15 AM. This blog is what happens. Tomorrow I shall go to the hospital again to visit and then go to rehearsal and do something after. Hannah is quiting the show. :( Sadness all throughout the land. I don't like it. I shall miss my other half when we are there. Alright. I'm going. For real real. Not for play play. Night lovers.

xoxo DannDann

1 comment:

Arethan said...

oh good lord, you are so flipping funny at 4 in the morning. and can i hear an alleluyer (!) to finally hanging out without our flipping hand in some puppet's ass? seriously. :)