

Why does everyone in my family decide to be such douchebags as my time at home dwindles. You would think they would want me to be happy in the fucking NINE days I have left. You would think they would let me break curfew for my last week and a half. You would think I would not get grounded for a week TWO DAYS before my fucking show opens.

Really? My car keys? Really? My phone? Please, I love it when you all are such assholes. My sister... don't even fucking get me started. Stop trying to get back in my life. You are a stupid and selfish bitch. I can honestly wake up some days and say that I hate you and mean it. You don't care about anyone but yourself, your boyfriend, and your stupid bitch of a best friend. You make bad choices. You are immature. You are fake. You are annoying. You don't deserve to be happy. You don't have the guts to do anything. You are stubborn. You are whiny. You are a bitch. I don't like you and half the time I don't love you either. I wish you were not home for the summer. All you do is fucking bitch and complain all the goddamn time. You're ruining my last summer before college and I fucking hate it.

My mother - If you could not yell at me for one fucking day I would really appreciate it. I know we have a lot of family concerns right now, none of which invovle me directly to YOU. I know your emotions are out of check because of all the shit you're going through. But you have NO right to yell at me when I actually help out a lot. I fucking HATE that you yell at me and not her when she doesn't do jack shit. I hate being nice to you and understanding you because I get yelled at. I hate trying and being the one who gets punished. You NEVER say anything to Michelle because you don't fucking know how to fight her. Deal with it. Fucking. Deal. With. It. You are her fucking mother. Learn how to win an argument for Christ's sake. Don't take it out on me because you don't know what the fuck to do. I help. I try. I am useful. Try yelling at the people who fuck everything up instead of the few who really get you and care about you.

Oh and please "ground" me for SEVEN OF THE LAST NINE DAYS I'M HERE. PLEASE. Are you fucking kidding me? I called you and I fucking told you what I was doing. Keeping me locked in my house for pretty much my last week of summer is going to do nothing but make me HATE THE FUCK OUT OF YOU. I can't believe you. Of all the fucking times I've been there for you and of all the times I've listened to you cry and of all the times I've sympathized with you, you do this shit to me? THIS? What a fucking bitch. I cannot believe you at all. Do you realize how unfair that is to me?

You don't do theatre. You don't like that I do theatre. You don't like that everyone in our fucking house does theatre and you don't. You don't understand what it is for me. It. Is. In. My. Blood. These people are my family. You, you are not. You are not at all. They make me happy. They make me feel like I belong. They make me not want to ever leave them. They make me wish I lived at rehearsal. They are my family. I can't NOT be with them. And two days before my show opens, TWO FUCKING DAYS, you tell me I can't do anything for a week. FUCK YOU. FUCK. YOU. I am leaving two of my very best friends in nine days and you're going to fucking hold me back for seven of them? No. Fuck you. Fuck that. You don't get it. Take my keys, I don't care. Take my phone, I'm pissed. Take my friends, you've crossed a line. Take my computer, take my internet, take all my sources to the outside world, but when you take my friends, you take everything that matters. Especially now.

What the fuck do you want me to do when I come in town? VISIT? What do you want me to do when I'm at college? CALL YOU? Yeah, keep pulling shit like this before I leave and fucking let me know how THAT works out for you. Fuck you.

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