

I should've taken my pain medicine today. I had to do stairs. Not good. No sir. Every time in the past two days that I have talked to Casi I have realized how much I love to sing. I've been trying to help her pick songs for her theatre group and we were going through some yesterday (Children of God? NO!) and I started singing all the songs that Flo gave me when I still took voice with her. I miss those songs. I miss Chorale sooo much. I miss competition singing and perfecting the fuck out of our songs. People don't know what good sounds like here. Ha. That sounds really stupid, but its so true. Seriously...if you are a singer, you know what good is. If you're not a singer, your expectations (word choice? STANDARDS...perfect) for good are probably not as high as ours. I make singers sound conceited I guess. It's true. You know.

I can't wait for Wednesday. I'm redoing my hair before I come down. I'm not coming to NOLA this weekend, but next weekend I am. I think I'm gonna see Saigon, I gotta figure out who all can go with me (or who wants to. HA!) before I decide. It will have been three weeks since I been home...not bad. I like it. Minus fracturing my ankle, staying here last weekend was pretty good, especially with the timing. Gah! So I need an idea for decorating. I don't just want to keep putting up pictures. Well I do actually, I need to put more up and I need to decide if I'm keeping that one section of sticky tack up. I think I might take it down today or tomorrow. That kind of sucks. But I kind of think I should take it down. It's a hairflip. Haha. I've never written that before. I've said it a lot recently, but I haven't written it. It made me giggle.

But yeah, so I get to redo my hair Wednesday. Same colors. I like it and I hope you do (if you see me) as well. Everyone's going out tonight for Tim's birthday. EVERYONE. Not me though. A) because of my ankle and B) I have a HUGE ASS history test tomorrow. I haven't started studying. And I'm not even nervous about the objective part, I'm nervous about the essay part. I'm sure I will do fine. I have a meeting in two weeks with my academic advisor...I have to plan the next four years of my life. Scary, much? Duh. I don't even want to think about it. TOPIC CHANGE. I might watch Rent tonight before/after I study. I'm going to study. I have to. But I was going to watch it last night. It would have been a disaster. If I would've watched Rent, I would have drank with Kaylen. She told me we should drink last night and I agreed. Then I realized that I had only said that because I was upset so then I ended up not drinking because I promised myself I wouldn't drink when I was upset. I was proud of myself. Yay responsible.

My leg hurts. I think after I finish this, I'm going to get dinner to go. I don't feel like eating in the cafeteria by myself. I would much rather get food and eat it in my room and listen to my music than be in the cafeteria alone and listening to people have lame conversation around me about Star Wars or how New Orleans should not have been rebuilt (lame, I know. Trust. Me.) or the Iliad. I go to school with some stupid people. But I go to school with some pretty chill people too. I'm really glad that I bought that picture frame that I put the pictures of me, Dana, and Kaylen in. We are always together. I love it. There is absolutely no bullshit with them. It makes me happy. They're some cool kids. I don't think we should give ourselves a name though, we all want to, but I told them we can't have a group name. I have bad history with that. Haha. That sounds bitter. It wasn't meant to be, it was just fact. No one get their panties in a twist please. Thanks. Hahahahahaha. Well, now that this is all awkward I shall depart. Hahaha. All for now.

xoxo DannDann

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