

I feel like it's about that time I blog again. I blog a lot. I like it. So about how my ankle got me a 5 day bogus extension on a paper that I had to write. And let me tell you, that paper is AMAZING. I will get to that momentarily. My life...has not been to interesting lately. I was trying to figure out what I was going to write after that elipsis and I cocked my head to the side and realized I don't want to complain about anything. Wow. I'm smiling. It's strange. I keep laughing as well because the guy on the computer next to me printed out a huge picture of a guy with an electrical outlet for a head. It is very amusing indeed. Hahahahahahaha! Too bad I can't laugh out loud in the library.

But, really. I can't say anything I haven't already said. When I focus on this one thing, it gets me down, but when I think about my life in general...it's...good. Whoa. Shut the fuck up, I wish you could all see my faces. I think maybe getting away with the paper spurred all of this. Hello positive outlook on life...there may be some things I can't do or have absolutely no control over, but for every thing I can't do there are ten thousand things that I can do or that I can control or that are in my favor. Wow. Stop it! This is ridiculous. Maybe with certain relationship, the good doesn't outweigh (definitely just corrected myself from spelling outWAY...wow Dani) the bad, but in my life...there is so much good that I should be focusing on. Shit.

Like I'm really surprised with myself. I hope I'm actually right this time. Haha. My paper...so I was supposed to write my paper Thursday night or Friday morning. Thursday night was out. So I woke up Friday morning to do it and knew it was not gonna happen. *In Jamie Schreiffer voice* Oh ah-ah! Hahahaha. So then Saturday I was gonna write it and email it to him and have it be late. Then I fell on Saturday so that didn't work. Then I was gonna do it Sunday but my mother was with me and she would ask what I was typing and I was not about to say "that paper for History that was due Friday" so then I was going to write it Monday. Monday was a day of sleep. Then I was going to write it Tuesday. Tuesday I was hanging out with Olivia and Nametag and Dana and Kaylen. Tuesday - no no. Wednesday morning at 6:30? Of course. I had class at 9. Haha. So I wrote it from 6:40 to 7:30 in the morning and then emailed it to my professor. My excuse for the lateness was that "my mom brought me home so that she could take care of me but we left my computer at school, so I got internet from my house but I didn't have my computer, which had the paper on it, so I couldn't send it to my professor" HA! This was not the case as I had just previously explained.

I'm walking my classes today. My ankle hurts when I walk...go figure, it's fractured. But then again, when I'm not walking it doesn't hurt as much...there's the positive Dani I've been missing. Oh my God. I'm a creeper. Haha. Or a "freaker" as Olivia says. You wanna know what is intimidating? Me and Olivia. If you ever thought being around the Star over the summer was intimidating, you've never been with just me and Olivia. It. Is. Ridiculous. I love it. Haha. Dinner was so much fun with her, Kaylen, and Dana yesterday. They both stared at us the whole time and they were like "Damn" and we were like *question mark* and they were like "It's hard to keep up with yall" We laughed because we know it's true. Haha. It is.

I like being positive. Yeah it was okay to be sad for a while and all and it's okay to make the effort to try and make things okay, but still, I like being happy. I like being positive. I like being me. Secret of the day - I like that being me is what I'm best at. :]]

xoxo DannDann

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