
Naturally perfect

SuPeRb0y21213: you know what i always wanted to say to you but i never do
SuPeRb0y21213: i love how ... hmmm whats the word
SuPeRb0y21213: i love how intense you are about friendships
SuPeRb0y21213: its a good thing
SuPeRb0y21213: i dont think enough people are serious enough about them
SuPeRb0y21213: and im glad that you take them seriously
SuPeRb0y21213: and dont get me wrong there are moments of too intense
SuPeRb0y21213: but i love that you make sure an effort at friendships
SuPeRb0y21213: i love it
SuPeRb0y21213: i love you

You don't even know. I was so upset earlier. You should've read the post I wrote earlier...before I decided to save it as a draft instead. I was not pleased, not at all. I hate being so alone. And I hate being reminded of how alone I am. Agreeing with you, it is not a personal attack, but it still makes me feel more lonely than I did before. I don't like it. I don't like crying. It's stupid. I also don't like when people don't think before they talk. I just remembered something someone said a couple of days ago in reference to crying. I laughed it off, but it really made me upset. I try not to think about it. I wish I could depend on more people than I can. Oh well. Can't win them all, I guess. Ha?

I'm glad the city is okay. I have that to be thankful for. And I am. I always find myself to be upset about a lot of things, yes. But I always always always find myself to be thankful for everything I have whether it be a person, or a meal, or a new pillow. I always say thank you. I love that about myself. I always let people know how grateful I am for them. I am usually on top of things like that all the time. I mean every word I say. I mean every "thank you" and "I love you". If I didn't mean it, I wouldn't say it.

I really want to go back to school. I want normalcy. I want company. I want my bed. I want my pictures. I don't like being alone, as previously stated. I hate being so miserable especially when I know everyone else is content, even happy. I just don't like being one of the few who can't be happy. I don't like not being happy. Obvious statement, right?

I love Kaleb Babb. This is what I told him, " I feel like my day is incomplete unless I talk to you. You always have something good to say and you're always pretty levelheaded. I wouldn't survive without you "catching" the kisses I blow you. It's one of my favorite things that you do. I love that you can laugh at yourself. I love that you can be completely inappropriate and it not be inappropriate at all. You're always there. You're always caring about the people you love. You're supportive. You're realistic. You tell the truth. You're so important to me. I love you so much. I don't know what I would do without you. I miss you so much. You have undoubtedly become a vitally essential part of my life. You make me so happy. Period."

You all should try to be more like Kaleb. He's amazing. I love him so much. He is the voice of reason. Fasho. At Tebbe's college kids going away party, he was in the middle of the circle and I didn't want to say it in front of everyone because I guess it could be offensive to other people (I don't know, whatever). I pulled him aside after and I was like, "I didn't want to say this in front of everyone, but I wanted you to know that I love that you have never dissapointed me." Mostly everyone else has at least once. Most likely a lot more than once. He never has. I love that more than ANY of you could ever know. I cannot survive without this boy. I love him dearly. Again, you all should try to be more like Kaleb - he's naturally perfect. :D

He has made me feel significantly better about what I was upset about. Loveit. Now that I have found myself to be tired again, I think I might go back to sleep since I'm not so angry anymore. I feel a lot better now. Phew. *sighs* All for now darlings.

xoxo DannDann

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