

First off...why has everyone in the blogging community virtually died? Where the fuck have you people gone off to? I haven't read anything in a while. Just saying...

The shift button on this computer is immensely annoying. You have to press it really hard whenever you want to capitalize a letter and, half of the time, it doesn't work ANY of the four times that you try it. Oh well. It will suffice.

Last night was silly. Before I go into that, I will tell you how much I hate November. I really hate November. I hate Novemeber because you're finally settled in, you know that you like everything you have discovered, and then you start to realize the problems. You realize that certain people don't really necessarily give a fuck about you like you thought they did. You realize that certain people act like they are still in high school. You realize that certain people only care about themselves. And most of all you realize that you miss certain people more than you ever thought you would. I hate November.

Last night was the embodiment (spelling?) of the previous paragraph. I cleaned for five and a half hours yesterday. The entire fucking dorm, except Kaylen's room. But all of the mess (other than in my room) was all due to her. I don't use dishes. I take out my trash. I pick up after myself. Homegirl, on the other hand, not so much. But I cleaned everything. I felt much better afterwards. I also felt exhausted. I waited for Darra and Krystal to get back so that we could go to Taco Bell. We were in the car for 35 minutes and they talked the entire time...to each other. It's like I wasn't even there. I went upstairs when we got back and ate my food. Then Dana called me to come hang outside (in the fucking freezing cold). Then we went and hung out with Jen. That was fun. I forgot how fucking funny Jen Kuzma is. Loveit. Then I went back to my dorm and laid down in my bed and I just started crying. I was not okay. Not at all. I hadn't cried about my grandma's death since the funeral a week ago. That was part of why I cried. The other parts are so complex and I don't feel like attempting to explain them. I just wanted to talk to someone, anyone. Everyone was asleep. Ha. I'm not blaming anyone though. People need sleep. I need sleep.

Last night was just bad. It bothers me a little bit that I have started this paragraph and the two before it with "last night". I wonder if you noticed. Well, you did now. Oh, and I would like to add that I love being right. All the time. I really am. For those of you who still don't believe me when I say that, that is fine. I have all the time in the world. I don't know how I do it, I really don't. "What can I say, I'm pretty immaculate."

xoxo DannDann

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