
"The first thing you should know about me is that I'm a cynical bastard"

This past week has been some kind of fierce. Let's discuss my life, shall we? Thursday I said goodbye to Tyler. Matt and Kaleb also stopped by my house to bid me farewell...not like I won't see them one week later...haha. Then I stayed up for a really long time so I could finish packing. Of course, the next day when I get to Hammond I realize that I did not pack EVERYTHING. Whatever, it's all good. So Friday I moved in all my shit to my dorm, which I LOOOOOVE. Made my bed. Hung up about 70% of my clothes. Shoved everything else under my bed. I was planning on spending the night by myself there since Kaylen went back to Gonzales for the night, but Tim texted me and told me to come hang with him and Chloe. So we all got fairly drunk our first night there. Haha. It was a grand time.

Then Saturday I started to print out the pictures for my frames and the walls. I had put up Olivia's, Tyler's, and Hannah's pictures on my wall and then stopped. Theirs were really good. I was satisfied with my work for that day. Then sometime during the day on Saturday, the whole thing with Hannah started (if you don't know, please do not ask). This whole thing is really beating me up. I've been so upset about it since the SECOND day that I've been away from home. Yeah, I miss everyone and all, but this is just way more than I thought I would have to deal with so early. I really miss her. I miss chilling with her. I hate that she's so mad at me and I can't do anything about it. I really didn't mean for it to come off the way it did, both things. I know she's more mad about the second thing than the first. To be honest, I didn't see the second reason coming at all. I just hate that me and Hannah aren't "me and Hannah" anymore. I love the girl, I do. I just wish things were better. It's really been killing me. It's all I've been thinking about since then.

So Kaylen came back Saturday night and her mom brought us to Canes and we had a cute conversation and whatnot. It was good. Then Sunday was good too. I had printed out Matt's and Cameron's pictures, but I hadn't put them up yet. I finished putting away all my shit and I finished framing the pictures I wanted to frame. I organized my drawers and my clothes and my shoes and my bed and yadda yadda yadda. It's very me. I love it. Then Kaylen and I decided to drink on Sunday. Haha. What a memory. Loveit. Then we hung out with Tim and his 18 thousand friends. Then after we sobered up, we came back downstairs to our room and then spent pretty much the entire night out on the balcony talking or somewhere in the dorm talking. We talked about a bunch of shit. If you're reading this, she probably knows all about you (unless you are some stupid NOCCA kid who reads blogs that you know NOTHING ABOUT! Just thought I would throw that one in there).

Sunday was good. Kaylen and I went shopping Monday. I got reflecting aviators - the ones like Kaleb and Julie have. Love themmm. I think I might get more when I go up to BR with Chloe again. So then Kaylen's family came and brought her a tv and shit and then we all went to Trey Yeun for dinner. Oh my God, their fried rice is fucking amazing. You don't even knoooooooow *sung*. Then Chloe called me and she was all upset. She drove from BR to Hammond to come talk to me. Did I mention that at this point in time I had known the girl for 3 days? What can I say, I connect to people. Haha. So then she came over to my dorm and we chilled and then after that she drove me to BR because she wanted to hang but she had to go back to her dorm. So I slept in her dorm and we had chilled and all.

Then Tuesday morning she drove me back to Hammond. We got lunch for me, her, and Tim and brought it back to Tim's dorm. We woke him up. How laughable. HA! That was a Tyler laugh for anyone who knows what that means. So we ate with him and then Chloe left and then I went back to my room and finished all the pictures. ALL. I've been talking to Cameron, Blythe, and Jody a lot lately. That really makes me happy. Just figured I would put that in there. Anyway, so then last night I took a nap around 5 and woke up at like 7:30. Too much crying happened yesterday. I'm trying not to think about it though. Casi got skype! We talked on there for a really long time and I'm pretty sure I made the best easy Mac I have ever had! It's her birthday today - ps...in case you were wondering. I love that girl.

I had my first class this morning which made me really nervous but it was really good. It's History 101 H. The first thing out of his mouth was "Hi. The first thing you should know about me is that I'm a cynical bastard." Good start. Loveit. He's hilarious. And now, I am in the library, killing time, writing a blog. My next class is at 11. It's 10:24 right now. I will probably head over in like 15 minutes since D Vickers (where my class is) is right next door. I think I shall go get some water. I like this. I'm definitely read for this.


xoxo Dann Dann :]

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